Web Hosting Tutorials for Cloudy.eu.org

Please go through our Web Hosting Tutorials for Cloudy.eu.org. This should answer most of your questions.

Control Panel Basics

This contains details about the basic overview of control panel.

Basic Overview of Control Panel
With our Control Panel you can control many, many aspects of your site including creating database, DNS records, controlling the domains on your account, view overall account statistics, manage files and databases and much more.

How do I access my Control Panel?

How do I login to my Control Panel?
When you signed up for an account you should have received mail containing details regarding your new account including a username, password and other associated information.

What do I do if I lost my password?
If you lost your password please refer to the control panel login area for the ‘Lost Password‘ facility, with this you can reset your password and have it e-mailed to you.

File Management

Managing Files via FTP Client Software like Filezilla

To use FTP to manage files you will need some key pieces of information…

1. Your Username
2. Your Password
3. Your FTP Host/Server name
4. and of course a free FTP client like Filezilla.

You will have received your FTP details like username, password, ftp server etc in your mail after registering. If not please login to the cpanel and you will find the details in the Account Settings Section.

Setting up the Connection

1. Open FileZilla
2. Open File > Site Manager
3. Click New Site
4. In Host, type the name of your FTP server (eg. ftp.freecloudhost.org or ftpupload.net)
5. From the Logon type dropdown select Normal
6. In User, type your username
7. In Password, type your password
8. Click OK

You have now just saved your connection information in FileZilla, if you want you can open Site Manager again and click on New Site under Select Entry to change the name from New Site to something meaningful like, you.example.com or example.com or anything that will remind you of what account it connects.

Transferring Files
1. Open FileZilla
2. Open File > Site Manager
3. Click the site you want to connect to under Select Entry
4. Click Connect.

You should now be connected to your FTP account and see your files on the right and on the left, are files on your computer.

Using these two views you can upload and download by drag and drop by selecting files you want to upload from the left and dragging them to the right and vice-versa for files you want to download.

For files you want to appear on your website, make sure you always upload into the docroot which can be public_html, www or htdocs.

Keep in mind, if you have multiple sites on your account such as sub-domains or domains, you should always upload into the appropriate location for those sub-domains or domains (eg. /example.com/htdocs or /example.com)

Removing Files
1. Right-click on the files/directories you want to remove
2. Select Delete
3. Changing File/Directory Permissions
4. Right-click on the file/directory
5. Select File Permissions…
6. Using the checkboxes set your new permissions
7. Click OK
Remember, never go below 6XX or you may have issues.

Managing Files via File Manager built into Control Panel

Using the File Manager also known as Online File Manager via your control panel is very easy to do and requires only logging into your Control Panel.

Accessing File Manager
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click Online File Manager under File Management

Uploading Files via File Manager
1. Open the directory you want to upload data into by clicking its name (eg. htdocs)
2. Select Upload from the Actions menu
3. Under Files on the left click the Choose… button
4. Find the file you want to upload from the popup on your computer
5. Click OK or Open
6. Repeat 3~5 as needed
7. Click the green checkmark

That is how you upload files via File Manager.

Upload Multiple Files via File Manager
1. Open the directory you want to upload data into by clicking its name
2. Select Uploadfrom the Actions menu
3. Under Archives on the right click the Choose… button
4. Find the archive (eg. ZIP, TAR.GZ, TGZ, GZ) you wish to upload from the popup on your computer
5. Click OK or Open
6. Click the green checkmark

This will upload the archive and automatically extract its content in the defined location.

Removing Files via File Manager
1. Open the directory you want to remove files from
2. Click the small checkbox next to each file you want to remove
3. Select Delete from the Actions menu

Changing File/Directory Permissions
1. Click the small checkbox next to each file/directory you want to CHMOD
2. Select CHMOD from the Actions menu
3. Use Set All Permissions to set the same permissions for every directory/file OR individually set the permissions on a file by file, directory by directory basis using the checkboxes
4. Click the green checkmark

Remember to never CHMOD below 6XX or you will encounter issues.

Adding Your Own Domain or Using Add-on Domains

Adding your own Domain is needed if you have your own domain (eg. .COM, .NET, .CO.CC, etc…)

You can easily use it with our service to build your site under your own domain through Add-on Domains which essentially allows you to run more than one site under an account.

Adding Your Own Domain
1. Login to your control panel
2. Click on Add-on Domains
3. Note the nameservers listed at the bottom (eg. ns1.example.com / ns2.example.com)
4. Login to your domain registrar control panel (eg. GoDaddy, Name.com, etc…)
5. Remove any existing nameserver records on the domain you want to add
6. Add the nameservers listed in your control panel and save the domain
7. Go back to your control panel
8. Click on Add-on Domains
9. Type the your domain name in the box without http:// or www. (eg. example.org)
10. Click on Add Domain

If your DNS has been updated properly you will receive a success message and the appropriate files will be created in your file structure to use the domain.

If you receive an error, the issue is most likely that not enough time has passed between changing the nameservers and adding the domain, it can take upto 24~72 hours, however usually less than 4 hours in most cases.

Removing an Add-on Domain
1. Login to your control panel
2. Click on Add-on Domains
3. Click the Remove button next to the domain you want to remove
4. This will remove not only the domain but also the files, domain records and e-mail so remember to take a backup beforehand.

If you intend on re-adding it later allow at least one (1) hour to pass before attempting to add the domain to the same or any other account you may have on the same service.

Below are the necessary nameservers you should use in configuring your domain

Parking your Domain – settings in Control Panel

A parked domain is much like having two or more addresses for one site, for instance you could have the .net and .org versions of your domain all parked on the .com add-on domain so all three load the same website. So parking your domain will lead all your domain names to the same site.

Adding a Parked Domain
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on Parked Domains
3. Note the nameservers listed at the bottom (eg. ns1.cloudy.eu.org / ns2.cloudy.eu.org)
4. Login to your domain registrar control panel (eg. Register.com, Name.com, etc…)
5. Remove the existing nameservers from the domain you wish to park
6. Add the nameservers from your control panel and save the domain
7. Go back to your website control panel
8. Click on Parked Domains
9. Type the domain name in the box without http:// or www (eg. example.org)
10. Select what site it will be parked on from the menu below
11. Click on Add Parked Domain

If your DNS has been updated properly you will receive a success message and be able to type the domain to access the site you parked it on.

If you receive an error then most likely not enough time has passed between changing the nameservers and adding it to your control panel which can take between 24~72 hours (usually less than 4 hours on average).

Removing a Parked Domain
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on Parked Domains
3. Click Delete next to the entry you wish to remove

This will only remove the parked domain, it will not remove any files, e-mails or other information and, if you intend to re-add it either as a parked or add-on domain, to this or any other account on the same service, allow at least one (1) hour to pass before attempting to do so.

Expanding via Subdomains – Creating and using subdomains to expand your site

Why expanding via subdomains? Because its one of the ways to expand your site into various sections or sub-sites, for instance you can have forums.example.com for your forums for easy and direct access.

Adding Subdomains
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on Subdomains
3. In the box on the right, type the name of your subdomain (eg. forums or community)
4. From the dropdown menu on the right, select the domain to complete the record (eg. example.com)
5. Click Add Domain

Once completed and if the subdomain is available, a new subdomain record will appear in the list below and a new folder will be created in your file structure to use the subdomain.

Removing Subdomains
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on Subdomains
3. Click Delete next to the entry you wish to remove

This will remove the subdomain, including any files, e-mails or other information associated with that subdomain so ensure you have a backup prior to removal.

For more info check this article.

Managing DNS Records in Control Panel

Managing DNS Records is easy using our control panel. Custom DNS records can be useful when you want to use third-party services for certain functions or to provide enhanced functionality to your site using your domain.

For instance, you can use Google Apps or Zoho for e-mail and other functions for your site.

MX Records
MX Records are used to route your e-mail through your domain and tell it what machine is handling your e-mail.

You should only have the MX records of one service provider on your domain at any given time or you may encounter issues with mail being routed to multiple locations at random.

Deleting Existing MX Records
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on MX Records
3. Click Delete next to each record you wish to remove

It would be wise to note the records you are deleting just in case you have to re-add them including the priority of each one.

Adding MX Records
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on MX Records
3. Select the domain on the left via the dropdown menu (eg. example.org)
4. Enter the MX record on the right (eg. mxrecord.example.net) as detailed to you by your provider
5. Enter the Priority of the record (eg. 10) as detailed by your provider
6. Click Add
7. Repeat steps 3-6 as needed for each MX record

That is all that is needed to start routing your mail to third-party mail providers which you prefer.

CNAME Records
CNAME records are records used to associate a new record (eg. mail.example.org) with an existing record (eg. ghs.google.com) this makes it so you anytime ghs.google.com changes its records, you do not have to change your records too.

Adding CNAME Records
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on CNAME Records
3. On the left, type the name of your record (eg. mail) for the Record Name
4. From the dropdown menu in the middle, select the domain (eg. example.org)
5. Under Destination on the right, type the destination of the record (eg. ghs.google.com) as detailed by your provider without the trailing period or dot
6. Click Add
7. Repeat steps 3-6 as needed

Remember, you must configure a CNAME record on both sides so once you have it set in your control panel, visit your service provider and add the same record for their service if necessary.

Removing CNAME Records
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on CNAME Records
3. Click on Delete next to each record you wish to remove

Note: DNS changes may take upto 24~72 hours

Making and Removing Databases in Control Panel

Making and Removing Databases is easy to be done in our control panel. As you know, databases are the engines behind many scripts including wordpress, they store the account information, the content and much more.

Creating a Database
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on MySQL Databases
3. In the box above Create Database type the name of your database (eg. forum)
4. Click on Create Database

Removing a Database
1. Login to your website control panel
2. Click on MySQL Databases
3. From the dropdown menu above Remove Database select the name of your database to remove
4. Click Remove Database

Note: Removal of a database means removal of EVERYTHING within that database so before removing any database you should always take a backup before hand.